
Please visit my website to view current art work and projects.

Friday, 25 July 2008


What does ‘work’ mean to me?
artwork, artwork, artwork, does the joining of art and work imply a seriousness, a validity, what about artplay, or workplay?
is that amatuer, or lack of validity?
umm.. ‘artwork’ ‘ new work' 'work in progress'-

I recently read, whilst browsing in a book shop that artists should ‘lighten up’ not take themselves seriously, so I’ve been exploring artplay- are my doodles, my tearings, the remants of play of any value?
May be it is, it sounds a lot simpler, to not worry about the function or meaning, the intention, to revert to the authority of the authors voice just becase, to present the artists views & opinions/ emotional states/ expressive marks..... ummm,
Not sure of anyhting... booked a holiday, limited the reading list and locked away the laptop- going for a think-
revisit in September- it may reveal!

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